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¿Puedo Flotar? (Can I float ?)

¿Puedo Flotar? (Can I float ?)

(Command by the Chilean National Ballet 2016)

“Japan and Chile are both countries that have faced natural disasters, particularly earthquakes and tsunamis. We have all experienced the fear that comes with these episodes. Life is unstable because the earth is unstable, just as our politics and freedom is. When I first came to Chile in 2012, I was surprised by the energy emanating from its people, to express their joy of life, perhaps because there is a consciousness about the instability of life. This is a beautiful paradox in Chile. So, let’s float and dance while we’re alive!”


Time length : 1h

Choreography : Kaori Ito

Composition : Joan Cambon
Lights : Andrés Poirot
Costumes : Carolina Vergara

Performers :
Nicolas Berrueta
Facundo Bustamante
Guido Cañete
Gema Contreras
David Correa
Enrique Faúndez
Marine Garcia
Andrés Herrera
Valentín Keller
Fabián Leguizamón
Ombline Noyer
Sofía Passarelli
Ignacia Peralta
Amaru Piñones
Gabriela Suazo
Alexandra Romero
Morvan Teixeira
Vanesa Turelli

Et Ricardo Cifuentes

Artistic Director : Mathieu Guilhaumon

¿Puedo Flotar? is a production of Centro de Extensión Artístico y Cultural de la Universidad de Chile ( CEAC ) with the suppport of Institut Français du Chili.
For its french tour, Ballet Nacional Chileno received support from Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio del Gobierno de Chile.




• Compagnie Himé receives funding from the BNP Paribas Foundation for the entirety of its projects.
• Compagnie Himé is supported by the French Culture Ministry – DRAC Ile de France, by the Île-de-France Region and the Val-de-Marne Department.
• Kaori Ito is an associate artist with Centre dramatique national de Normandie-Rouen, MAC Créteil and CENTQUATRE in Paris.
• Compagnie Himé is in artistic companionship with KLAP Maison pour la Danse and in residency at Fontenay en scène and at Théâtre du Fil de l’eau – Ville de Pantin
• The Compagnie Himé residency at Théâtre du Fil de l’eau – Ville de Pantin is supported by the Seine-Saint-Denis Departement.